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Registering to IPSC Members Portal – “How To”

240325 BPSA Announcement – Registering to IPSC Members Portal – _How To_

As announced during our BPSA Clubs Meeting in January 2024 (point 2. k.), the ESS Registration System named IPSC Members Portal,  for registrations to IPSC competitions around the world  is gradually being implemented in several regions, see

 RD Belgium has recently received access to approve the participation of BPSA members in IPSC competitions which use this encoding system somewhat similar to, Practiscore, Shoot’n Score It, etc….

 Attached, you will find a tutorial that you are asked to communicate to your competitors who regularly travel abroad and who could be confronted with the ESS registration system.

 This system is still quite new, it is not impossible that certain difficulties/bugs appear during registrations. the RD advises competitors active abroad to take precautions and to encode their data ASAP, so as not to be obliged to register “emergency/scramble” with the RD, the latter is not available 24 /7…  Sorry for the distracted and latecomers…. !!


This approval by the RD does NOT concern and does NOT replace the IPSC 6.5.1. RD Written Approval which must ALWAYS be submitted to the RD before each participation in a foreign match.

CPT september 2024

The next CPT will take place on Saturday 21 PM September 2024 at the Gun Club in Grace-Hollogne (Liège).

 Club managers are asked to register their candidates by 10 August 2024 at the latest.

 Registration(s) to be sent by e-mail by the Club Manager to the MISIA Director (Danny Callaert) :

 If the number of candidates is insufficient, the CPT will be postponed to a later date.

Belgium Championship 2022

Provisional Belgium Championship is now published (see Results).

As usual, the results include the 4 recognized divisions (1 sheet per division)

A new sheet has been added only for information : Combined (1 sheet for all the divisions) .

This file sums up all the shot matches in one only single sheet, the ranking is calculated on the 6 best matches as usual.

Note that any Sort or Filter applied does not change the ranking !



New Regional Director


I am very pleased to bring to the attention of the IPSC Belgium Community that today the BPSA Board Members unanimously appointed me as Regional Director for our IPSC Region.

 First of all, I would like to thank our outgoing Regional Director, Mr. Charles de Rongé for his dedication in the last 10 years during which he developed and managed IPSC in our country as well as for his assistance during the 5 years I served as BPSA Development Officer.

With the support of the BPSA Board Members and in close cooperation with the BPSA Club Delegates, I am committed to develop our sport in a harmonious and transparent way with respect of the fundamental values of IPSC.

Standing together as one and with this determination in mind, I’m sure, we can successfully grow to a larger, more efficient and more resilient organization thus enabling us to overcome any obstacles on our path.

 Best regards,
 Gérard Albert